types of shower drain covers featue
Cleaning & Maintenance, Showers

What Types of Shower Drain Covers could Solve Clogged Bathroom Drainage?

If you notice that it takes longer for your water to drain, then you probably have clogged bathroom drainage. But fixing it will not be the end of it because, who knows, the problem could be your shower drain cover. If you have installed the wrong one or the one you currently have is not working, then you better start thinking of changing it. But before you decide, it will be better if you know what you are buying.  In this article, we’ll explore different types of shower drain covers. Read on to find more.

different types of shower drain covers

What is Shower Drain? Shower drain covers?

A shower drain channels used water from the shower, but it often becomes clogged due to trapped hair and soapy residue, which can lead to blocked pipes. Choosing the right shower drain and cover is essential to avoid these issues.

Bathroom drains come in various shapes, materials, and styles, including options made from brass, steel, stainless steel, and plastic. Shapes range from square and triangle to the classic circular drain cover. If you’re unsure about the best option for your bathroom, the next section provides a detailed look at different shower drains and drain caps to help you make an informed choice.

Different Types of Shower Drain Covers

Shower drain covers come in all shapes, designs, materials, etc. Hence, there are different bathroom drain types. Some of these are linear shower drains, point drains, hidden drains, screw-on, three-piece, and snap-in among others. To more about them, continue reading below.

Styles and Designs

  • Linear Shower Drain
linear shower drain cover

Linear shower drains are long drains for the bathroom and shower, typically covered with a drain grate. A linear shower drain is sometimes called a trench drain, shower channel drain, line drains, slot drains, slip drains, etc. Regardless of the name, a linear shower drain is one of the best choices as it easily conforms to the size of your shower. Moreover, you only need one gradient to guide the water. This makes it ideal even if multiple showerheads are running.

Moreover, if you are planning to build additional units in addition to your existing ones, linear drains could be a good choice. These drains can add those without increasing the height. Furthermore, they may also minimize service depth when it comes to constructing drainage.

There are lots of linear shower drains (grates) currently available, but the 300-2000mm Lauxes Aluminum midnight black wide standard from MyHomeware is definitely one of the best.

Below is a table showing some of the linear shower drains’ strengths and weaknesses.

Works well with curbless showersCan handle more waterThe floor needs to slope in only one directionIt can be used alongside large tilesExpensive
  • Point Drain
circular shower drain cover

Point drains are the most common type, often found in older constructions, so you’re probably familiar with them. This small drain usually sits in the center of the shower floor (or occasionally near the wall). For effective drainage, the floor slopes down towards the drain, best suited for smaller tiles with 100mm by 100mm as the largest recommended size.

These drains typically have a round design but are also available in square shapes, which work well with square tiles. Whether round or square, point drains lie flat with the floor and are made from materials like plastic, aluminum, or steel. Despite their compact size, point drains offer excellent drainage capacity, efficiently handling any shower setup.

To better know the ups and downs of a point drain, refer to the table below.

Works well with curb showersCommon and inexpensiveLimited tiles optionsNot good for curbless showers
  • Hidden Drain
bathroom drain cap

Another type of shower drain cover is called the hidden drain or concealed drain. Given the name, it naturally conceals drainage. It allows you to merge the drain to the floor without being too conspicuous. Hence, it is not short of saying that it is an innovative drainage that provides a modern and timeless touch to your bathroom.

To know it better, here are some of its pros and cons.

ModernInnovative and inconspicuousWorks well with small and large tilesQuite pricey

Installation Types

If there are shower drain cover types based on design, there are also based on installation, and these are the following:

  • Screw-On
round shower drain

From the word itself, screw-on. Screw-on shower covers are those that need to be screwed to the drain. They are available in all finishes, from chrome and polished brass to oil-rubbed bronze and antique brass. Most of the time, the screw hole (2-7/8″) is found in the center. Some of the things you need to consider before choosing it are the pros and cons of it enumerated below.

SecuredAffordableRust over timeNeeds regular maintenance
  • Three-piece
bathroom drainage

If you are planning to have a shower on the second floor with wood flooring, then it will be ideal to use a three-piece drain; otherwise, you risk having rot or mildew. A three-piece drain allows for placing a tiled shower floor over a shower pan or liner. The bottom component inserts directly into the drainpipe, positioned on top of the hardwood subfloor.The middle component fits over the shower pan or liner, and the last piece screws into the top and adjusts in height to match the tile you’re going to install.

Ideal for wood flooringsMilder on woodDesigned to impede the development of molds and fungi.Challenging to install and remove
  • Snap-in.

Snap-in covers closely resemble screw-on covers in design. While screw-on covers fit 3-3/8″ openings, snap-in covers are made to fit 4-1/4″ openings. It is also available in different kinds of finishes and fits cast iron, plastic, clay tile pipes, etc. To know more about this, visit online stores that sell drain covers like MyHomeware.

snap in shower drain cover
Easy to install and removeAffordableMost are made of plasticMost are easy to break


Drain covers come in all shapes, finishes, and materials. Some are aluminum some are simply plastic shower drain covers. Regardless of these things, of the types of shower drain covers, you need to look beyond your preference and decide what you really need. But if you can, choose something you like that will also satisfy them, then better. After all, hitting two birds with one stone is more ideal than hitting just one.  

FAQ about Types of Shower Drain Covers

Do shower drain covers come off?

You can pull off most shower drain covers easily, except for screw-on types and those that fit tightly. If the cover is too snug, a bit of wriggling will help loosen it. For screw-on covers, simply use a screwdriver to remove them.

What is a drain gate shower?

A drain grate shower is not really a shower drain but rather an attachment. This bathroom or drainage accessory is a good thing to have to prevent loose items from falling down the drain.

Is a shower drain cover necessary?

Yes, having a shower drain cover is necessary and beneficial because it catches debris and hair that are common culprits for a clogged drainage pipe.

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