How To Prevent Mold In Shower Grout

Mold or fungus of the wall
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Are you sick of seeing those annoying black mold spots in your bathroom? Concerned about your personal health and the health of your family? Bathrooms become breeding grounds for mold and mildew due to how much moisture they are exposed to. In this article, we’ll let you in on the top 4 tips on how to prevent mold in shower grout.

How to Prevent Mold In Shower Grout – Our Top 4 Tips

Tip 1: Ventilation


Installing a bathroom exhaust fan is a great way to lower moisture and humidity

The first tip for how to prevent mold in shower grout is to keep your bathroom well ventilated. A simple way to do this is to leave your bathroom door and window open after you shower or bath to let excess moisture escape. 

Another great long-term solution is to professionally install an exhaust fan in your ceiling and run it whilst you shower and afterwards for 20 minutes after you finish your shower. Keep in mind that you will need a bigger fan with a higher CFM (Cubic Feet Per Minute) rating for large bathrooms.

Tip 2: Dry Your Tiles 

Drying your tiles and grout will prevent mold spores from having the nutrients they need to grow. By drying these surfaces, you prevent mold spores from settling into new areas and forming new mold spots. You can dry off your shower floors and shower curtains by using a squeegee or towel. It’s also a great idea to install easy to dry shower curtains to reduce any hassle this causes you. 

Tip 3: Use Grout Sealant


Grout sealant prevents and slows mold growth in your grout

There’s a wide range of grout sealants available to help you keep mold out and slow down their growth. You will need to clean your grout thoroughly first before applying any type of sealant to it. Additionally, uou can also use anti-mold solutions that will absorb into your grout and fight off mold spores. 

You will find that using a silicone-based sealant on your grout lines will be best in preventing mold spores from growing. These sealants work by reducing how fast moisture penetrates into the pores in the grout. This means the grout won’t collect moisture and will dry much quicker, reducing the amount of time that mold has with ideal environmental conditions for growth.

Tip 4: Regular Cleaning


Routine cleaning of your grout will slow mold growth and prevent further spread 

Removing mold on a regular basis is also another effective way to prevent mold from spreading further throughout your tiles and grout. Treat mold-affected areas by using cleaning agents like baking soda, white vinegar, bleach solutions and cleaning agents with hydrogen peroxide for effective grout cleaning. Follow the recommended cleaning instructions and try not to mix different chemicals together. Use these along with help of bathroom brushes and scrubbers to lift stubborn mold, as well as any soap residue and soap scum that can stain your shower walls.

Get Started On Controlling That Pesky Mold 

Those are all the tips you should use on how to prevent mold in shower grout. Use a combination of all these methods to best prevent any harmful mold from growing and staining your precious bathroom walls. Visit the MyHomeware blog today for more information and guides on bathroom maintenance and renovations. We also stock one of Australia’s largest ranges of bathroomware products perfect for your next remodel.

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