How to Keep Your Bathroom Fresh and Clean for Longer

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Your bathroom sees a lot of household traffic on the daily. In fact, people spend a grand total of 813 days in the bathroom – that’s a lot of time spent in just one room! So it’s no surprise to hear that a new bathroom will gradually lose its shiny, new lustre over time. Keeping your bathroom fresh every day is hard enough.

Whether it’s people using the tower, showering or applying makeup over the sink, there will always be something that needs to be cleaned.

So how can you keep your bathroom fresher for longer? These 5 tips will help you retain that new bathroom sparkle, making it a continuous joy to be in!


Tip 1: Regular cleaning

This one sounds quite obvious but regular cleaning can greatly extend the life of your bathroom and its accessories. Experts suggest that your bathroom should be wiped down at least once a week.

You should also pay attention to what you use to clean your bathroom. Try to stay away from harsh chemicals such as bleach and ammonia. Instead, use mild disinfectants and antibacterial cleaners to keep your bathroom free of dirt, grime and bacteria.

Tip 2: Keep your bathroom dry

Another overlooked way to keep your bathroom fresh and clean is to keep it dry. You might scoff at the idea – after all, your bathroom is designed to get wet! But a bathroom that is always wet is a breeding ground for bacteria and mould.

Put effort in to keep your bathroom relatively dry to prevent nasty buildup; regularly wiping down corners, shower screens and floors, and tapware. Don’t forget to also swap out any hanging towels regularly as well!


Tip 3: Clean out your drains

Cleaning out your drains can be a daunting task – who knows that lurks in that hole in the middle of your shower! Actually, we can tell you, large buildups of hair, dirt and bacteria. It’s why we recommend cleaning out your drains on the regular, to not only clean it but to prevent annoying clogs. You can use a store bought drain cleaner or you can whip up your own solution with boiling water, baking soda and vinegar.

Tip 4: Ensure a well-ventilated bathroom

Nothing like a breath of air to keep your bathroom fresh! Bathrooms are humid spaces, especially considering how much hot water is used on the daily. The heat and steam can turn your washroom into a lovely place for bacteria and mould to grow and foster.

To prevent this, ensure your bathroom is well ventilated and has proper airflow throughout it. It can be as simple as opening up the windows when you’re not using it or turning on the exhaust fan when you’re enjoying a hot shower.

Keeping your bathroom fresh and clean made easy

Whether you spend a total of 5 daily minutes or 50 in your bathroom, it’ll be sure to become stuffy and grimey over time. With our 4 tips, you’ll be able to keep your bathroom fresh on a day-to-day basis, no matter how long you and your family are in there! Liked this article? Find more fresh and clean articles at MyHomeware, your one stop shop for amazing bathroom products and amazing prices!

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