Simple Hacks to Setup Essential Oils in Bath

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Essential oils provide a lot of health benefits that enhance both physical and rejuvenate your mental well-being. And probably essential oils in bath are one of the most popular uses of this compound that people mix with their weekly or more in a week.

If you want to increase your knowledge about the potential health benefits of bath oils, then the blog I prepared will satisfy your need for insights. Plus, I will give you more info on which scents are the best options, such as peppermint essential oil in bath or lavender in bath water, just to name a few.

Also, I will share with you my understanding of bathing oil safe standards and how you can boost its efficacy.

So without further ado, let’s start today’s discussion…

women essential oil bath

Why It’s Good to Use Essential Oils in Bath?

Baths are also a form of self-care besides keeping you clean and free of germs. Additionally, the hot water gives a relaxing effect that soothes aching muscles and eases the stresses of the day.

The aroma of the essential oil in bath emits a pleasurable odor that puts most people into a calm and serene state of mind.

Below are other popular health benefits of pouring essential oils into your regular baths:

  • Essential oils are known to relieve people from anxiety and depression
  • It reduces the level of fatigue
  • The odor from essential oils treats nausea and motion sickness
  • Calms sores muscles from an intense physical workout or high-level training
  • It helps people with sleep disorders by improving their circadian rhythm

Even though it has a lot of positive health and mental advantages, holistic experts advise us to use a proper amount of essential oils no matter what activity we are performing. And this is because of potential health hazards related to the compounds’ over-use.

Best Essential Oils to Add to the Bath

You can enjoy many benefits when you decide to add essential oils in bath. I have listed the best essential oils for bath that you can opt for and incorporate into your weekly regimen.

Rose Essential Oil

rose essential oil

It’s no surprise that the rose is the option of many when it comes to ornamentals and home embellishments—the flower is beautiful and smells pleasurable, to say the very least. In addition, they’re also a good essential oil.

The scent of the essential is floral yet warm, which is perfect if you are looking to rejuvenate your skin and wash off dead skin cells that were stuck in your pores.

Lavender Essential Oil

lavender essential oil

The most popular essential for mental and emotional health is lavender essential oil. The oil coming from the herb produces a strong yet pleasurable aroma that is soothing.

It is extremely enticing to use them on a daily basis, but you have to be aware of the health consequences of too much lavender oil in bath. And this is because it is also observed that excessive use also triggers skin allergies and irritations.

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

roman chamomile essential oil

Roman chamomile is an excellent alternative to lavender essential oil products. This essential oil is perfect, but you can boost its overall efficacy by fusing it with lavender oil. The two are like soul mates when mixed together when it comes to enhancing the aroma and skin-beneficial effects.

Lastly, allow me to have this moment to put in perspective once again that, like lavender, Roman Chamomile essential is also particularly strong, and the essential oils in bath burn skin if you have still put extracts excessively.

Jasmine Essential Oil

jasmine essential oil

Jasmine essential oils are popularly referred to as oil of love because of the belief that it possesses aphrodisiac properties. Even though there are very few scientific studies to back up the claims, the calming aroma itself is enough to bring you into a romantic or loving state in every sense of the word.

Peppermint Essential Oil

peppermint essential oil

If you are susceptible to headaches or any type of muscle discomfort, peppermint essential oils are the recommended solution to be poured into your baths. Oil compounds extracted from a peppermint herb emit a spicy aroma yet sweet and relaxing. The calming effect of peppermint oil is known to boost cognitive functions.

Orange Essential Oil

orange essential oil

Orange essential oil is an extract that you might not have heard of. Let alone that it has oil extract to make essential oils in a bath as well. But yes, this is a trend among holistic enthusiasts.

Orange essential extracts also work extremely well with other scents, such as rose, jasmine, or ylang-ylang. When fused together, it produces an uplifting mood.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

eucalyptus essential oil

Herb oil extracted from a raw eucalyptus is well-known for its medicinal properties that treat migraines and coughs. In addition, it is also among the best essential oils in bath for anxiety and stress.

If you are indeed searching for the best bathtub that can greatly complement your essential oil extracts, then you can check out MyHomeware Bathtub.

How to Safely Add Essential Oils in Bath

Below are the considerations you have to remember to make your bathing experience satisfying yet safe:

Be Selective of the Scents

First and foremost, you need to be selective of the essential oil because some extracts could trigger an allergic reaction. With this being said—it would be best to consult your local physician to help you select the oil extracts that best suit you.

Create Your Own Essential Oil Solution

You can create your own essential oil plus carrier oils if you like. Such a solution should improve the scent according to your preferences and the extract’s overall efficacy. Experts suggest a dilution of 1% to 4% of essential oil to the bathtub before pouring the carrier oil.

Essential Oils Not to Use in Bath

Another concern that many have is, can you use essential oils in bath when pregnant? Well, the answer is a resounding no. This is also true for lactating mother has skin allergies or has an infant.

Final Takeaway

Integrating an essential oil bath into your regular hygienic regimen can definitely deliver a lot of health benefits, such as easing you from physical discomfort and soothing your mind. However, this a friendly reminder that you have to bear in mind some of the potential health risks of essential oils in bath.

FAQ about Essential Oils in Bath

Below are additional concerns about the subject matter of essential oils in baths—

Can You Put 100% Essential Oils in a Bath?

No. Bathing with pure essential oils can cause many unwanted and potentially dangerous side effects. For instance, skin irritation, allergic reactions, and longer-term sensitization issues are all likely to occur if the concentrations are too high. Therefore, when considering adding essential oils to your next bath-time retreat, experiment cautiously with lower dilutions.

What Essential Oils Are Safe to Put in the Bath?

All essential oils are not a health risk, in general. However, excessive use of this type of extract could result in skin problems.

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